Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy has never been to my house. Every time I have lost a tooth I have been somewhere else.  This time it was at my Baha’s house when we were there for Christmas.

I had two loose teeth when we went up to Moses Lake for Christmas. My mom told me that I should let Baha pull them because she would probably give me two dollars for each tooth. I wouldn’t let her though. I like to wait until they are super loose and practically fall out on there own.

One tooth fell out while I was eating breakfast at Baha’s. We put it in a bag a left it on the counter. I was going to put it under my pillow that night. But some how it got lost while the kitchen was being cleaned up. I was really worried because I thought that if I didn’t have my tooth that the tooth fairy wouldn’t come. So I wrote her a note, it went like this.

Dear Tooth Fairy,

    I lost my tooth because Bapa accidently threw it away. Will you still leave me a surprise?

   love, Stephen

I left the note under my pillow and it worked! The Tooth Fairy left me 8 quarters. The next night Parker tackled me and knocked my other loose tooth out. I got 8 more quarters from the Tooth Fairy.

Mom took a picture of me right after I lost my second tooth at Baha’s house.


I have two more loose teeth right now. I wonder if the Tooth Fairy will ever get a chance to come to my house.

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