Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ninja Power

From computer games I have learned that you need to save up your energy and power if you want to be able to do things. When you have a lot of power, you are really strong and can do really cool stuff. This is can sometimes be dangerous.
That is what happened to me at the park the other day. Kathryn and I were playing on the big toy. I was being a ninja, and she was a princess. I could feel myself getting more and more power. I could tell that I was starting to have too much power.
Kathryn was coming through the tunnel right as my ninja power burst out of me.
And I kicked her.
She started to cry. Sisters cry a lot.

"Mama, Stephen kicked me!" Kathryn whined.

"Stephen, did you kick Kathryn?" Mama asked me.

"My ninja power was at 32!" I responded.

My mom started laughing. Usually she doesn't laugh when I hurt Kathryn. I guess she must have understood that when your ninja power is at 32, you just can't help kicking someone.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Answers to Uncle Daniel's Question

Uncle Daniel asked me some questions after my questions post and I have some answers for him. Here they are. I had to google the answers for 3 and 5 but I knew the rest.

1. Why do we have two eyes not one?
Because that's not the way God made us. Because we are not aliens.

2.True or False: The eyes are connected driectly to your brain.
 False. Because you brains are in your ears.

3. What is Snellen acuity?
An eye chart to tell how well you can see.

4. What is the front part of the eye called?
The lense, pupil and cornea. The pupil is the dot in the middle and cornea is on the outside of the pupil.

5. What is the back part of the eye called?
The retina

6. Why am I (Daniel) special?
Because your an eye doctor. Because your great. I can't say why though because it is a secret.

Does anyone else have questions for me? Because I am smart and I will know if the answer of the question is wrong or right.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nutrition facts

     I  have found some exciting new reading material.  I like to read the nutrition facts on the boxes of bags of foods.

    Mostly I like to read them so I'll know if it is unhealthy or healthy, and so I will know what stuff is inside, like vitamins.  My favorite vitamin is vitamin A because it is the healthiest vitamin. Vitamin D, my other favorite, is also healthy.

    When I was at Baha's house, I asked Baha if I could look at some nutrition facts, and she didn't know what I was talking about. I told her that food has nutrition facts on it.  She let me look at some bar-b-que sauce, and it was pretty exciting. Did you know that Kraft Original BBQ sauce has 60 calories per serving? And Gogurts have 70 calories and 5 calories from fat.

    My mama says that I should eat all the things that I look at the nutrition facts on. I told her I only like to eat things that are healthy, like apples and candy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Library Books

The library is great. It has books you have never read before. When you get there you look on the book shelves and find books you like. We went to the library yesterday. Here is a list of the books I picked out.

Exploration into Africa- I got two of this book because they looked slightly different.

Severe Storm and Blizzard Alert!- I read this last night my favorite chapters were "Storm Science", "Storm Safety" and "Recipe for Disaster"

Exploring the Solar System : Venus - I picked it because I like to learn about planets. Did you know that there might be waterfalls of lava on Venus? Just like in Hawaii.

Can you find Saints? : Introducing your child to Holy Men and Women - I don't know why I picked this book. I haven't read it yet.

100 Wonderful things to keep kids busy and having fun - Dad picked this one out for me. For some reason he thinks I need to find more things to do during the day than just reading.