Friday, June 24, 2011


I like to ask questions. That is how you learn new things. I think my mama loves it when I ask her lots of questions. She doesn't always know the right answers though. Sometimes I ask her questions I already know the answer to just to make sure she is paying attention. Here are the questions I asked her while at the park this morning.

What animal is 66 cars tall?

What is skin made of?

Where are there lots of chinchillas?

What animal is 5 cars tall?

Can you tell me an item that is in the world?

What is 6 times 23?

Lions live in Aftrica. True or False?

Can I look up Matthew 6:9 in your Holy Bible?

Is the center of the earth solid?

What makes me special?

She didn't answer all my questions but she did know what makes me special.

1 comment:

  1. Stephen,

    Here are some questions for you to research.

    1. Why do we have two eyes, not one?

    2. True or False. The eyes are connected directly to the brain.

    3. What is Snellen acuity?

    4. What is the front part of the eye called?

    5. What is the back part of the eye called?

    6. Why am I special?
